Crochet filet PATTERNS (scroll down the page) – Crochet trends

I adore this pattern with roses – it’s gorgeous, quite elegant and suits almost everybody:

ESUN-WD32_V5  ESUN-WD33_V4Tunic-big  Tunic_PM

I have made a top tank from the rest of cotton yarn (here is the green original filet top by Eternal Sunshine Creations):


And my own creations (well, the yarn has ended :))

conceptcreative-store-top-roses1 conceptcreative-store-top-roses1

My friend received such a blue tunic with long sleeves for her birthday (I crocheted a present for her) – it is one of her favorite now :)). Plus I made a skirt with the same filet roses (with a thicker yarn) for her teenage daughter:


So, now I have drawn this filet PATTERN with roses with the diagram of the beautiful edging. The complete description is offered in my ETSY shop:

PATTERN for the DRESS with ROSES is available here:

It includes 3 filet diagrams for crocheting this dress (for front, back and sleeves) and one diagram for the beautiful edge pattern

PATTERN for the TUNIC and TOP TANK with ROSES is available here:   

It includes 3 filet diagrams for crocheting this tunic (for front, back and sleeves) or making a sleeveless top; plus one diagram for the beautiful edge pattern

(I have prepared 2 items because the patterns in the tunic/top and the dress vary slightly)

Both crochet tutorials include detailed tutorial in English of how to work filet patterns, make necessary decreases and increases in the filet technique, calculate the amount of chains for the first row if your gauge is different etc – it is rather a beginner’s guide. Row-by-row instructions for the edge pattern with photos of the process are included.

Screen shot of PDF – screen shots of the filet dress tutorial

Although there is a slight mistake in the original pink tunic by Eternal Sunshine Creations (left and right sides in front are a bit different :)), the drawn pattern has no such mistakes  :).

P.S.  This skirt/top tank was created with different roses, but I keep the same idea with pattern divided in the centre:

crochet skirt with roses crochet top with roses crochet skirt with roses

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